
$endfor$ top
$if(title-prefix)$$title-prefix$ – $endif$$pagetitle$ — $description-meta$
$for(keywords)$$keywords$$sep$ top
$if(title-prefix)$$title-prefix$ – $endif$$pagetitle$ — $description-meta$
100-page-book top
accessibility top
activitypub top
2022, week 44
activitywatch top
Activity Watch — an app that automatically tracks how you spend time on your devices.
advice top
The Rules of Civility, by George Washington
aflred top
Alfred workflow to automate saving screenshots using ChatGPT — Use ChatGPT to write an Alfred workflow
ai top
AI Code Assistants — TODO
AI reading — reading material for AI
CS230 — Deep Learning class taught by Andrew Ng
Hating AI — not everyone is impressed by your Cat Gee Pee Tee
Hugging Face — a company that focuses on natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence (AI) research.
Monday, April 24 2023
Segment Anything Model — metas segment anything model
airbyte top
airbyte — use airbyte to replicate data from a catalog of connectors
alacritty top
alacritty — Cross-platfom OpenGL terminal emulator
alfred top
Alfred — a productivity app for MacOS
My first Alfred workflow — A hotkey to create a bbedit note with contents of the clipboard
algebra top
Linear Algebra
algernon top
2022, week 23 — Where I ruminate about wanting to be solo technologist on my own time.
algorithms top
Rate Limiting
amazon top
Querying Amazon Purchase data — A fun little exercise in querying your amazon.com purchase data.
analytics top
Apache Arrow — defines a language-independent columnar memory format for flat and hierarchical data, organized for efficient analytic operations on modern hardware like CPUs and GPUs. The Arrow memory format also supports zero-copy reads for lightning-fast data access without serialization overhead.
Anthropic top
apache top
Apache Pinot
superset — open-source data exploration and visualization platform.
apache-arrow top
roapi — ROAPI automatically spins up read-only APIs for static datasets without requiring you to write a single line of code.
api top
API Development — notes on API Development
graphql — is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with existing data.
How will LLMs affect API design?
roapi — ROAPI automatically spins up read-only APIs for static datasets without requiring you to write a single line of code.
apl top
A Programming Language (APL)
J programming language
apple top
macOS — The apple flavoured operating system
Publishing Apple Notes as a Website — Exploring way to export Apples notes as a website
swift — programming language from Apple that works on Linux, Windows also
Apple top
architecture top
2022, week 25
LLM App Stack — what all things does it take to build an LLM app
arrow top
Apache Arrow — defines a language-independent columnar memory format for flat and hierarchical data, organized for efficient analytic operations on modern hardware like CPUs and GPUs. The Arrow memory format also supports zero-copy reads for lightning-fast data access without serialization overhead.
artificial-intelligence top
Artificial Intelligence
arts top
arturo top
Taking Arturo language for a quick spin
asciidoc top
Asciidoc — asciidoc is a text markup format to produce HTML and PDF documents
authentication top
Authelia — open-source authentication and authorization server providing two-factor authentication and single sign-on (SSO).
authorization top
Authelia — open-source authentication and authorization server providing two-factor authentication and single sign-on (SSO).
automation top
Alfred — a productivity app for MacOS
Alfred workflow to automate saving screenshots using ChatGPT — Use ChatGPT to write an Alfred workflow
Automation software
Google Gemini enabled Workflow Automation — how to speed up your automation
Hammerspoon ShiftIt Window Manager
Headless Browsers — using browsers without a GUI
My first Alfred workflow — A hotkey to create a bbedit note with contents of the clipboard
Workflow Automation — let the glue flow between work items .. or something
autonomous-driving top
Autonomous Driving
aws top
AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate
backup top
backup — notes on how to do backup of stuff
ballerina top
Ballerina programming language
bayesian top
bbedit top
BBedit — Notes on BBEdit Text Editor for MacOS
BBEdit Text Filter to format JSON — First attempt at writing a BBEDit Text Filter
My first Alfred workflow — A hotkey to create a bbedit note with contents of the clipboard
bengaluru top
34/Sports Day Out
36/Visiting the Bangalore Lit Fest — Monday, 2023-12-04 to Sunday, 2023-12-10
42/A children's play — Monday, 2024-05-06 to Sunday, 2024-05-12
Bengaluru — this city of mine...
Bengaluru Tech — Notes about Bengaluru tech people, communities, companies, institutions etc
Breakfast an hour away — My first visit the popular Rameshwaram cafe in another part of the city to meet an old friend
Encounters in the Wild exhibition at CKP
On the calmness of blogs
Tpot on the terrace — generative ai meetup at Bengaluru
bigdata top
Apache Arrow — defines a language-independent columnar memory format for flat and hierarchical data, organized for efficient analytic operations on modern hardware like CPUs and GPUs. The Arrow memory format also supports zero-copy reads for lightning-fast data access without serialization overhead.
bitwarden top
bitwarden — open source password manager
blogging top
Favourite Blogs — Blogging was the best thing about the 2000's internet
On the calmness of blogs
blogs top
bluesky top
2023, week 15 - bluesky
book top
Book Read - "Die Broke" — Die Broke - A Radical Four-Part Financial Plan written by Stephan Pollan and Mark Levine
Fighting atrophy is job No.1
bookreview top
Book Read - "Die Broke" — Die Broke - A Radical Four-Part Financial Plan written by Stephan Pollan and Mark Levine
books top
2022, week 19
2022, week 40 — Aim for small-big things in programming
Archive.org — a collection of books, and material from Archive.Org
Meta list of book recommendations by people
Phone Formatted Books — producing books formatted for small screens of phones
Thursday, June 15 2023
To Read
Tuesday, April 25 2023
Tuesday, May 02 2023
bookshelf top
Books with Small Chapters — A collection of books that have small chapters that I like to reread
manning — Manning Publishes programming and IT books
packtpub — packtpub publishes Information Technology related books
boop top
boop — macOS application to manipulate text using javascript
browsers top
Headless Browsers — using browsers without a GUI
build top
bun top
c top
C Programming Langauge — The thing after A, and B.
Cosmopolitan libc — c library to write build-once run-anywhere programs.
Redbean — single-file distributable web server
casestudy top
Business opportunities by liberating data, case study in restaurant Industry — There are still a lot of (software) business to be unlocked by digitizing paper records and connecting that to the rest of the world as this case study shows.
category-theory top
Category Theory
cgi top
CGI programming with THTTPD — THTTPD is a fast, light-weight web server.
chatbot top
chatbot — Building chatbots and stuff
chatgpt top
36/Visiting the Bangalore Lit Fest — Monday, 2023-12-04 to Sunday, 2023-12-10
A Custom Server for Shottr — I wrote a PHP script to act as custom cloud server for receiving and storing screenshots from shottr
Alfred workflow to automate saving screenshots using ChatGPT — Use ChatGPT to write an Alfred workflow
Google Gemini enabled Workflow Automation — how to speed up your automation
Interactive program to resize images generated using ChatGPT
LLM — large language models
Multimodal Learning
My first Alfred workflow — A hotkey to create a bbedit note with contents of the clipboard
Optimizing images using ImageMagick, pngcrush (and ChatGPT)
Some logo designs using DALL-E — Generated a few logos for this site using OpenAI's DALL-E 3
cheatsheets top
chennai top
38/Trip to Chennai, love in Sanskrit — Monday, 2024-02-26 to Sunday, 2024-03-03
children top
ckp top
Encounters in the Wild exhibition at CKP
clickhouse top
clojure top
biffweb — a clojure web framework
Clojure programming language
Fennel programming language
Janet — a Clojure like lisp that is also suitable for embedding
xtdb — a general-purpose bitemporal database for SQL, Datalog & graph queries.
cloud top
serverless — serverless platforms
cloudflare top
cloudflare — web performance and security company
Serving Static Assets out of Cloudflare R2
code top
BBEdit Text Filter to format JSON — First attempt at writing a BBEDit Text Filter
CGI programming with THTTPD — THTTPD is a fast, light-weight web server.
Code snippets — home page of sorts for the code section
comby — is a tool for searching and changing code structure
jsonfmt — learn how to use python to format JSON files
mdninja + markdown + jinja2 = beautiful HTML — Where I introduce a nifty script (mdninja) to convert your markdown into good looking HTML by using Jinja for templating/layout.
Quick query access to CSV data using sqlite virtual tables
Shell oneliners
Shell Safe API key / Password Generator — a script to generate safe passwords, but really a tutorial on how to argparse library.
URL Shortener in less than 30 lines of code
You don't need no stinking projects (dub version) — Demonstrate the use of third party library dependency in a single-file D program that can be run as a Script.
code-generation top
Code Generation — you write code that writes code.. Hmm... sounds (familiar)
coffee top
cohere top
comby top
comby — is a tool for searching and changing code structure
comics top
webcomics — funny pictures
commonlisp top
Some interesting things
competitive-programming top
Competitive Programming
compilers top
compression top
computer-science top
Computer Science Education — notes, and resources for.
computing top
Computer Architecture
Conway's law
configuration top
Configuration Languages
containers top
Containers — linux system Containers
context top
A Quick How-to on using LuaTeX with ConTeXt
couchdb top
Configuring nginx + couchdb to deploy a couchapp as a public facing website.
course top
Building Multimodal Search and RAG
coursera top
Intro to ML In Production Coursera course — Machine Learning Engineering for Production (MLOps) Specialization
coursier top
coursier — Scala application and artifact manager.
cpp top
cpp — C++
seastar — a C++ library for writing highly efficient complex server applications on modern multi-core machines
crystal top
A side quest on Crystal and Marten
css top
Cascading Style Sheets
Fighting atrophy is job No.1
Jekyll 960.gs
tailwind — a functional CSS framework
csv top
dall-e top
Some logo designs using DALL-E — Generated a few logos for this site using OpenAI's DALL-E 3
data top
Data Apps — TODO
plotting — plotting data
data-engineering top
airbyte — use airbyte to replicate data from a catalog of connectors
Composable Data Systems
Data Engineering
data-management top
LLMs in Data Management — Research and progress around using LLMs in managing data.
dataapps top
evidence — framework for building data apps
observable — an open-source static site generator for building fast, beautiful data apps, dashboards, and reports.
databases top
clickhouse — analytics OLAP database.
Data Apps — TODO
Database Systems
Databases — various databases and what makes them interesting
datasette — Datasette is a tool for exploring and publishing data, it uses sqlite for storing data
Duckdb — Duckdb is an in-process analytics database. Sqlite for analytics
EJDB — JSon database
foundationdb — k-v engine to build your own database
LLMs in Data Management — Research and progress around using LLMs in managing data.
scratchdb — analytics database
SQL — Notes on Structured Query Language
Sqlite — notes on SQLite Embedded database technology
Text search engines — Text search engines allow you to index and search text documents
Vector Databases — A vector database indexes and stores vector embeddings for fast retrieval and similarity search, with capabilities like CRUD operations, metadata filtering, and horizontal scaling.
xtdb — a general-purpose bitemporal database for SQL, Datalog & graph queries.
dataflow top
dataframe top
datafusion top
roapi — ROAPI automatically spins up read-only APIs for static datasets without requiring you to write a single line of code.
datascience top
Datascience — doing science with data?
Python Data Science — crunch the numbers slowly, at first, if you don't succeed.
datasette top
datasette — Datasette is a tool for exploring and publishing data, it uses sqlite for storing data
datastructures top
decision-making top
Mental models — notes on mental models
deep-learning top
Building Multimodal Search and RAG
CS230 — Deep Learning class taught by Andrew Ng
Deep learning — notes
GPT — Generative Pre-trained Transformer
LLM — large language models
Multimodal Learning
Pytorch — Deep Learning Library
Quick Deep Learning Python Development Environment with Poetry — Trying to find a smoother developer experience compared to virtualenvs
deno top
2023, week 14 — notes on mamba, denoflare, chromadb etc
Deno — is a secure javascript and typescript runtime
design top
How will LLMs affect API design?
webdesign — inspiration for web design
devops top
Deployment — notes, references on deployment practices etc.,
diet top
distributed top
Ray — is an open source distributed computing framework to scale compute-intensive workloads in Python
distributed-systems top
CRDT — In distributed computing, a conflict-free replicated data type (CRDT) is a data structure that is replicated across multiple computers in a network.
Distributed Systems — notes on
Rate Limiting
django top
Django — TODO
dlang top
An illustrated guide to using Sublime Text 3 for D programming — We will see how to setup Sublime text 3 with syntax highlighting, automatic code formatting, auto-completion, on-the-fly syntax checking and build system integration (build, run, unittest).
Creating a (S)CGI app with D — We will use D programming language to build an old fashioned CGI program.
D language on Apple Silicon — Using D programming language on Apple Silicon
Setting up D development environment on a Mac with Xamarin Studio — We will see how to setup Xamarin Studio do provide syntax highlighting, autocompletion etc., for D programming on Mac OSX
You don't need no stinking projects (dub version) — Demonstrate the use of third party library dependency in a single-file D program that can be run as a Script.
dns top
dns — Domain Naming System
docker top
Containers — linux system Containers
documentation top
documentation — Read The Fine Tutorial, How-to guide, Explanation or Reference
dod top
Data Oriented Design
dostoevsky top
Fyodor Dostoevsky — Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, sometimes transliterated as Dostoyevsky, was a Russian novelist, short story writer, essayist and journalist.
dotnet top
Csharp — Programming Language
dspy top
DSPy — Programming, not prompting, Language Models
duckdb top
Duckdb — Duckdb is an in-process analytics database. Sqlite for analytics
Encounter with DuckDB — I get familiar with duckdb
dune top
dune — OCaml's build system
dvcs top
editor top
BBedit — Notes on BBEdit Text Editor for MacOS
comby — is a tool for searching and changing code structure
Helix — text editor
Sublime Text 3 — Notes on Sublime Text 3 editor.
vscode — an electron app masquerading as an IDE
elasticsearch top
elasticsearch — for searching, you know
elixir top
Elixir — Programming Language
elsewhere top
My Surge.sh sites
emacs top
A simple demonstration emacs keyboard macros
Emacs Notes — notes on Emacs text editor
Org Mode — notes on the venerable markup format for emacs.
email top
Email — hosting, searching your email
Emails for JAMStack hosted domains — How to forward an email to your jamstack hosted domain.
embedded top
EJDB — JSon database
Embedded web application stack
Redbean — single-file distributable web server
Web applications on embedded hardware
emulation top
emulation — the thing that acts like the other thing
epub top
epub — epub book format and related stuff
erlang top
Elixir — Programming Language
gleam — Programming Language that runs on BEAM
essays top
Essays — a collection of essays written by others
farmhouse top
farming top
fediverse top
Fediverse — fediverse, activitypub, mastodon etc
Selfhosted — Hosting services that are personal/family/small-group sized
feeds top
My RSS/ATOM Subscriptions
firefox top
firefox — the browser
fitness top
fonts top
Courier is a nice monospace font
Programming Fonts — for ya know, programming
forth top
Forth — concatenative, prefix notation, stack-oriented programming language
fortran top
Fortran — notes on Fortran programming language
Foundation-Model top
Foundation Model
foundationdb top
foundationdb — k-v engine to build your own database
frameworks top
Data Apps — TODO
Full Text Search — on searching text stored in databases
gemini top
Google Gemini — LLM from Google
Google Gemini enabled Workflow Automation — how to speed up your automation
generative top
Segment Anything Model — metas segment anything model
generative-ai top
Generative AI — Some notes from the Coursera Course
Mistral AI — French maker of open source generative-ai software
geography top
Terrain of India — Beautiful India, that is Bharat
ggml top
ggml — Tensor library for machine learning
git top
Datestamped backup of git repositories managed by gitosis
gistash, RFCs
Git — Distributed Version Control System
Tuesday, April 25 2023
github top
Github Gists
gleam top
gleam — Programming Language that runs on BEAM
gobuffalo top
gobuffalo — Notes on Buffalo Go web framework
golang top
37/this section is left blank — Monday, 2023-12-11 to Sunday, 2023-12-17
Authelia — open-source authentication and authorization server providing two-factor authentication and single sign-on (SSO).
Building Go Programs with Source File Hash baked in
GETHAS — my framework can beat up your framework
Go Programming Language — that programming language with a rodent mascot.
gobuffalo — Notes on Buffalo Go web framework
Notes to self -- How to use Go Third Party Packages
pup — parsing HTML at the command line
Taskfile is a simpler Make
Thread Reaper
google top
Google Gemini — LLM from Google
gpt top
First attempt at learning GPT
GPT — Generative Pre-trained Transformer
grammar top
About Grammarians and Philosophers
graphdb top
graphdb — Graph databases
graphics top
Postscript — Notes on Postscript language and tools
SVG — scalable vector graphics
graphql top
graphql — is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with existing data.
roapi — ROAPI automatically spins up read-only APIs for static datasets without requiring you to write a single line of code.
groff top
groff — a unix-head's typesetting tool
gtd top
GTD — Getting Things Done
gui top
38/Trip to Chennai, love in Sanskrit — Monday, 2024-02-26 to Sunday, 2024-03-03
hackernews top
Hacker News — The Orange website by YCombinator
hammerspoon top
Hammerspoon — Hammerspoon is a MacOS automation tool
hardware top
Computer Architecture
iusethis — Stuff I use
haserl top
Web applications on embedded hardware
haskell top
Haskell Programming Language
hinduism top
vedanta — sources on vedanta
history top
history — on history
Monday, October 30 2023
The Rules of Civility, by George Washington
home-automation top
Home Automation — Not the Internet of Sh-
house top
2022, week 25
howto top
Emails for JAMStack hosted domains — How to forward an email to your jamstack hosted domain.
html top
A touch of hyperscript — I use hyperscript to add interaction to a web page
htmx — Enhancing web applications without using SPA frameworks
Minify HTML — library to remove white spaces from HTML to reduce filesize
pup — parsing HTML at the command line
HTML top
HTML — Hyper Text Markup Language
htmx top
A touch of hyperscript — I use hyperscript to add interaction to a web page
GETHAS — my framework can beat up your framework
htmx — Enhancing web applications without using SPA frameworks
hyperscript — Enhance HTML with concise DOM, event and async features.
http top
http — Hyper Text Transfer Protcol
huggingface top
Hugging Face — a company that focuses on natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence (AI) research.
HumanEval top
ibm top
Tuesday, May 23 2023
icons top
ideas top
Interesting problems — What is the problem you are actively working on right now? may be a good conversation starter in some settings.
illustrations top
imagemagick top
Optimizing images using ImageMagick, pngcrush (and ChatGPT)
india top
Kumar Gandharva
Terrain of India — Beautiful India, that is Bharat
interesting top
Interesting Open Source Software
internal-tools top
Internal Tools — intra company software tools
interviews top
interviews — prep material
intrusion-detection top
Suricata — Intrustio detection/prevention system
istio top
Wednesday, November 01 2023
iusethis top
iusethis — Stuff I use
jamstack top
Emails for JAMStack hosted domains — How to forward an email to your jamstack hosted domain.
japan top
Japan — Stuff about Japan
japanese top
2022, week 19
java top
Java 21
Java performance — Java performance tricks and tips.
Kotlin Programming Language — notes and observations about Kotlin Programming Language
java21 top
Java 21
javascript top
A touch of hyperscript — I use hyperscript to add interaction to a web page
boop — macOS application to manipulate text using javascript
Compile To Javascript Languages — what else were they going to do?
Deno — is a secure javascript and typescript runtime
First attempt at learning GPT
htmx — Enhancing web applications without using SPA frameworks
hyperscript — Enhance HTML with concise DOM, event and async features.
mermaid — TODO
No JS — No, not that, this is nojs
No JS — No, not that, this is nojs
Python Frontend Frameworks — write web frontends without javascript
Some interesting things
svelte — a non crazy javascript frontend framework?
Thread reader app browser bookmark
typescript — a superset of javascript with types
URL Shortener in less than 30 lines of code
jekyll top
Import Textpattern to Jekyll — Obsolete. Here only to prevent link rot.
Jekyll 960.gs
jlang top
J programming language
json top
BBEdit Text Filter to format JSON — First attempt at writing a BBEDit Text Filter
EJDB — JSon database
jq — jq is a command line tool that you can use it to slice and filter and map and transform JSON.
jsonfmt — learn how to use python to format JSON files
julia top
Julia programming language
jupyter top
jupyter — a notebook for programming
jvm top
Ballerina programming language
Clojure programming language
Java Virtual Machine
Scala programming language
kafka top
redpanda — A protocol compliant implementation of Kafka using Seastar C++ framework
Video transcript - "Streaming ETL in Kafka for Everyone with KSQL" — interesting talk about KSQL
kalman-filtering top
Kalman Filtering
kannada top
Kananda keyboards
Monday, October 30 2023
ಪೂಜೆ ಹಾಡುಗಳು
karnataka top
karnataka — the karnata desha
Monday, April 24 2023
Monday, October 30 2023
keras top
kiali top
Wednesday, November 01 2023
kindle top
Thursday, June 15 2023
kitty top
kitty — The fast, feature-rich, GPU based terminal emulator
konkani top
kotlin top
Kotlin Programming Language — notes and observations about Kotlin Programming Language
Kotlin script to download NYC Yellow Taxi Data — attempting to learn kotlin by using in place of Python
kubectl top
kubectl — notes on kubectl command
kubernetes top
Containers — linux system Containers
Monday, May 22 2023
Wednesday, November 01 2023
lambda-calculus top
Lambda Calculus
language top
Nota — a document language for the browser
ಕನ್ನಡ ಪುಟಗಳು
latex top
LaTeX — most popular typesetting macros for TeX; created by Leslie Lamport
Tuesday, April 25 2023
learning top
Computer Science Education — notes, and resources for.
Machine Learning
Spaced Repetition
lectures top
Wednesday, November 15 2023
leetcode top
library top
Cosmopolitan libc — c library to write build-once run-anywhere programs.
links — my linktr.ee if you will
linter top
ruff — An extremely fast Python linter, written in Rust.
linux top
Containers — linux system Containers
linux — The Unix Clone by the Git author
lisp top
2022, week 25
Clojure programming language
Common Lisp
Emacs Notes — notes on Emacs text editor
Fennel programming language
Janet — a Clojure like lisp that is also suitable for embedding
lists top
Talks I liked — list of talks I liked
literate-programming top
D language on Apple Silicon — Using D programming language on Apple Silicon
Literate Programming
Lua for the Python programmer
llm top
2023, week 12
38/Trip to Chennai, love in Sanskrit — Monday, 2024-02-26 to Sunday, 2024-03-03
Active Learning
AI Code Assistants — TODO
AI reading — reading material for AI
Building LLM Based Systems
DSPy — Programming, not prompting, Language Models
Fine Tuning
First attempt at learning GPT
Generate Documents from Transcriptions
Google Gemini — LLM from Google
Google Gemini enabled Workflow Automation — how to speed up your automation
GPT — Generative Pre-trained Transformer
GPU Rental — Rent GPU for running LLM Training loads etd
Hating AI — not everyone is impressed by your Cat Gee Pee Tee
How will LLMs affect API design?
Hugging Face — a company that focuses on natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence (AI) research.
Llama Index — a framework that helps LLM apps to ingest and access data sources.
LLM — large language models
LLM App Stack — what all things does it take to build an LLM app
LLMs in Data Management — Research and progress around using LLMs in managing data.
Local LLM — LLMs that could be run on local machines
lucene — open-source search software
Mamba Architecture
Mistral AI — French maker of open source generative-ai software
MosaicML — a team of Databricks
Multimodal Learning
Opensource LLM
Python and AI
RAG — Retrieval-augmented generation
Reward Models
Small LLMs aka SLMs — smoler the better
SWE Agent — sofware engineer agent enabled by LLM
Text Embedding
LLM top
Long Form Factuality — How factual are the LLMs when generating answers to open ended questions?
llm-app-stack top
LLM App Stack — what all things does it take to build an LLM app
llm-embedding top
LLM Embedding
llvm-talk top
LLVM Talk — Building programming media for novices
local-first-development top
Local First Development
logging top
Structured Logging — When you log something, make it searchable and analyzable.
logseq top
2022, week 23 — Where I ruminate about wanting to be solo technologist on my own time.
lua top
Embedded web application stack
Fennel programming language
Getting more familiar with Lua
Lua Programming Language
Redbean — single-file distributable web server
Web applications on embedded hardware
lucene top
lucene — open-source search software
lxd top
Containers — linux system Containers
machine-learning top
Active Learning
Intro to ML In Production Coursera course — Machine Learning Engineering for Production (MLOps) Specialization
Machine Learning
ML Ops — notes on Machine Learning Operations
Recommender Systems — TODO
Reinforcement Learning
Supervised Learning
Unsupervised Learning
macos top
boop — macOS application to manipulate text using javascript
Hammerspoon — Hammerspoon is a MacOS automation tool
Hammerspoon ShiftIt Window Manager
Kananda keyboards
Software tools
macosx top
Setting up D development environment on a Mac with Xamarin Studio — We will see how to setup Xamarin Studio do provide syntax highlighting, autocompletion etc., for D programming on Mac OSX
magazines top
magazines — some magazines
make top
makefile top
A few interesting things
Some interesting things
management top
Required Learning path for managers — takeaways from the course
markdown top
Markdown — Markdown and Markdown accessories
Markup languages — notes on markup languages
mdninja + markdown + jinja2 = beautiful HTML — Where I introduce a nifty script (mdninja) to convert your markdown into good looking HTML by using Jinja for templating/layout.
Nota — a document language for the browser
Obsidian — is a note taking application for knowledge management
Static Site Generators
marketing top
markup-language top
Markup languages — notes on markup languages
markup-languages top
Static Site Generators
marten top
A side quest on Crystal and Marten
mathematics top
A worked exmaple of - A persian folk method of figuring interest
Adding a new teller | queuing theory example — queuing theory is an important area of knowledge to understand how systems behave at scale.
Linear Algebra
mathematics — one, two, buckle my shoe
matmul top
matmul — Matrix Multiplication
matplotlib top
meetups top
Tpot on the terrace — generative ai meetup at Bengaluru
meilesearch top
meilesearch — Meilisearch is a flexible and powerful user-focused search engine that can be added to any website or application.
melange top
melange — Melange is a backend for the OCaml compiler that emits JavaScript.
mental-models top
Mental models — notes on mental models
mermaid top
mermaid — TODO
Metaphysics top
mindfulness top
An exercise in mindfulness
mistral-ai top
Mistral AI — French maker of open source generative-ai software
mlops top
Intro to ML In Production Coursera course — Machine Learning Engineering for Production (MLOps) Specialization
MLX top
money top
money — money money money, its so funny
monitoring top
mu top
mu — My MacBook Pro
music top
Kumar Gandharva
mysuru top
Around kukkarahaḷḷi kere — ಮೊಸಳೆಗಳಿವೆ ಎಚ್ಚರ!
Climbing Chamundi Betta — She watches over the city
Train to Mysuru — A trip to mysuru
nginx top
Configuring nginx + couchdb to deploy a couchapp as a public facing website.
URL Shortener in less than 30 lines of code
nim top
2022, week 19
Nim New Project Template
Nim Programming Language
Taking Arturo language for a quick spin
nix top
watchfiles —  is a file watching and code reload in python, written in rust
nixos top
openpolicyagent — Policy-based control for cloud native environments
Using Nix Shell to build this website - Part 1
nixpacks top
nlp top
nlp — Neuro Linguistic Programming
nocode top
First attempt at learning GPT
nojs top
No JS — No, not that, this is nojs
No JS — No, not that, this is nojs
None top
nota top
Nota — a document language for the browser
note-taking top
Note Taking — notes on note taking apps
ZettelKasten — a free form note taking and organising system to facilitate understanding and production of creative work.
notebook top
jupyter — a notebook for programming
notebooks top
nextjournal — an online notebook that can evaluate code
notebook — programming notebooks
notes top
Publishing Apple Notes as a Website — Exploring way to export Apples notes as a website
oaas top
OAAS — Outcome as a Service
observability top
vectordev — A lightweight, ultra-fast tool for building observability pipelines
Wednesday, November 01 2023
observable top
observable — an open-source static site generator for building fast, beautiful data apps, dashboards, and reports.
obsidian top
36/Visiting the Bangalore Lit Fest — Monday, 2023-12-04 to Sunday, 2023-12-10
Monday, April 24 2023
ocaml top
dune — OCaml's build system
melange — Melange is a backend for the OCaml compiler that emits JavaScript.
OCaml programming language
odinlang top
odinlang — Odin Programming Language
ollama top
onomatopoeia top
2022, week 19
ooda top
ooda — Observe, Orient, Decide, Act
openpolicyagent top
openpolicyagent — Policy-based control for cloud native environments
opensource top
Interesting Open Source Software
Open Source
Opensource LLM
Software Supply Chain Security
operating-system top
macOS — The apple flavoured operating system
opml top
My RSS/ATOM Subscriptions
paas top
PaaS — Platform as a Service, and related items
Selfhosted — Hosting services that are personal/family/small-group sized
pandoc top
Pandoc 2.0 — new features in my favourite typesetting program
papers top
paperswithcode top
parquet top
parquet — parquet is a column-oriented data storage format.
patterns top
Some Interesting Links
PDF top
PDF — portal document format
people top
Prolific Programmers — An index of profilic programmers. Inspirational and motivational.
performance top
Adding a new teller | queuing theory example — queuing theory is an important area of knowledge to understand how systems behave at scale.
Java performance — Java performance tricks and tips.
performance — notes on performance
perl top
raku — programming langauge with Perl ancestry
person top
Charlie Munger
Christopher Alexander
philosophy top
About Grammarians and Philosophers
On the calmness of blogs
photography top
php top
A Custom Server for Shottr — I wrote a PHP script to act as custom cloud server for receiving and storing screenshots from shottr
physics top
pictures top
Climbing Chamundi Betta — She watches over the city
Train to Mysuru — A trip to mysuru
pinot top
Apache Pinot
pkm top
leo — an outline editor, and a personal knowledge manager
Obsidian — is a note taking application for knowledge management
ZettelKasten — a free form note taking and organising system to facilitate understanding and production of creative work.
plotting top
plotting — plotting data
pngcrush top
Optimizing images using ImageMagick, pngcrush (and ChatGPT)
podcasts top
poetry top
Quick Deep Learning Python Development Environment with Poetry — Trying to find a smoother developer experience compared to virtualenvs
polars top
postgresql top
postscript top
Postscript — Notes on Postscript language and tools
principle top
80 20 Principle
probability top
Probabilistic Programming
processing top
Processing — is a software sketchbook and a language for learning how to code. used to improve visual arts and visual literacy within technology.
product-development top
Building LLM Based Systems
productivity top
Activity Watch — an app that automatically tracks how you spend time on your devices.
Alfred — a productivity app for MacOS
GTD — Getting Things Done
Note Taking — notes on note taking apps
Procastination — do it later
programming top
2022, week 19
2022, week 25
Building Go Programs with Source File Hash baked in
FUNctional programming
Garbage Collection
Getting Out of the Programming Goldilocks Zone
github codespaces
gobuffalo — Notes on Buffalo Go web framework
Low Code
matmul — Matrix Multiplication
My code in books
Nim New Project Template
notebook — programming notebooks
Org Mode — notes on the venerable markup format for emacs.
Postscript — Notes on Postscript language and tools
Probabilistic Programming
Programming Fonts — for ya know, programming
Prolific Programmers — An index of profilic programmers. Inspirational and motivational.
Some interesting things
programming-language top
A Programming Language (APL)
Agda Programming Language
ATS Lang
Awk — programming language
Ballerina programming language
C Programming Langauge — The thing after A, and B.
Clojure programming language
Common Lisp
Crystal programming language
Csharp — Programming Language
D Programming Language
Fennel programming language
Forth — concatenative, prefix notation, stack-oriented programming language
Fortran — notes on Fortran programming language
Fsharp — Programming Language
Go Programming Language — that programming language with a rodent mascot.
Haskell Programming Language
Interesting Programming Languages — an opinionated collection of programming languages.
J programming language
Janet — a Clojure like lisp that is also suitable for embedding
Java — Duke Nukem
Julia programming language
Logic Programming
Lua Programming Language
Mercury Programming Language
Metapost and friends
ML programming language
Nim Programming Language
OCaml programming language
odinlang — Odin Programming Language
PHP Programming Language
Python Programming Language
R — notes about R Programming Language
Racket Programming Language
raku — programming langauge with Perl ancestry
Rust Programming Langauge — A modern alternative to C and C++ for system programming.
Scala programming language
Shell programming
swift — programming language from Apple that works on Linux, Windows also
Taking Arturo language for a quick spin
typescript — a superset of javascript with types
Unicon Programming Language
Vala Programming Language
Zig Programming Language
projects top
Unfinished Projects
yakshaves — TODO, an actual TODO.
publishing top
pup top
pup — parsing HTML at the command line
pypi top
pypi — the Python Packaging Index
python top
2021, week 24
2023, week 14 — notes on mamba, denoflare, chromadb etc
38/Trip to Chennai, love in Sanskrit — Monday, 2024-02-26 to Sunday, 2024-03-03
BBEdit Text Filter to format JSON — First attempt at writing a BBEDit Text Filter
Code Generation — you write code that writes code.. Hmm... sounds (familiar)
Django — TODO
Getting Out of the Programming Goldilocks Zone
Import Textpattern to Jekyll — Obsolete. Here only to prevent link rot.
Interactive program to resize images generated using ChatGPT
jsonfmt — learn how to use python to format JSON files
jupyter — a notebook for programming
leo — an outline editor, and a personal knowledge manager
mdninja + markdown + jinja2 = beautiful HTML — Where I introduce a nifty script (mdninja) to convert your markdown into good looking HTML by using Jinja for templating/layout.
Minify HTML — library to remove white spaces from HTML to reduce filesize
mojo — a new programming languagefor all AI developers that combines the usability of Python with the performance of C
Monday, April 24 2023
Monday, May 29 2023
My code in books
My Happy Python Workflow
notebook — programming notebooks
pandas — python library for manipulating dataframes
pipx is like brew for python applications
pypi — the Python Packaging Index
Python and AI
Python Data Science — crunch the numbers slowly, at first, if you don't succeed.
Python Frontend Frameworks — write web frontends without javascript
Python Line Processing Pattern — processing a file, (or a stream) is as old as the hills, learn this pattern with Python.
Python Programming Language
Python reloaded
Python Training Outline (2006) — Outline of a python training I did in 2006
pywebframeworks — Python Web Frameworks
Quick Deep Learning Python Development Environment with Poetry — Trying to find a smoother developer experience compared to virtualenvs
Ray — is an open source distributed computing framework to scale compute-intensive workloads in Python
ruff — An extremely fast Python linter, written in Rust.
Shell Safe API key / Password Generator — a script to generate safe passwords, but really a tutorial on how to argparse library.
Swift and Python side by side — How does Swift compare to Python compare in terms of programming experience?
watchfiles —  is a file watching and code reload in python, written in rust
Wednesday, May 10 2023 — surprise redis finding; leo editor;
pytorch top
Pytorch — Deep Learning Library
qemu top
utm — virtual machines for mac
quarto top
Quarto — open source technical publishing system
query top
queuing-theory top
Adding a new teller | queuing theory example — queuing theory is an important area of knowledge to understand how systems behave at scale.
quotes top
R top
R — notes about R Programming Language
RAG top
RAG — Retrieval-augmented generation
raku top
raku — programming langauge with Perl ancestry
random-forests top
Random Forests — not to get lost in
raspberrypi top
raspberrypi — single board computer
ray top
Ray — is an open source distributed computing framework to scale compute-intensive workloads in Python
reading top
AI reading — reading material for AI
Meta list of book recommendations by people
Tuesday, May 02 2023
redis top
Redis — in-memory database
Wednesday, May 10 2023 — surprise redis finding; leo editor;
redpanda top
redpanda — A protocol compliant implementation of Kafka using Seastar C++ framework
reeder top
reeder — is an RSS reader
regex top
regex — Regular Expressions
rest top
roapi — ROAPI automatically spins up read-only APIs for static datasets without requiring you to write a single line of code.
RFCs top
gistash, RFCs
risingwave top
risingwave — stream processing
rocksdb top
rocksdb — embeddedable persistent key-value store for fast storage
rss top
38/Trip to Chennai, love in Sanskrit — Monday, 2024-02-26 to Sunday, 2024-03-03
RSS — feeds
ruby top
A side quest on Crystal and Marten
running top
russian top
Fyodor Dostoevsky — Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, sometimes transliterated as Dostoyevsky, was a Russian novelist, short story writer, essayist and journalist.
rust top
roapi — ROAPI automatically spins up read-only APIs for static datasets without requiring you to write a single line of code.
Rust 2018 — This is a response to Rust2018 call for blog posts and how I would like to see Rust evolve this year.
Rust Programming Langauge — A modern alternative to C and C++ for system programming.
watchfiles —  is a file watching and code reload in python, written in rust
saas top
sanskrit top
scala top
coursier — Scala application and artifact manager.
Scala programming language
select-scala — a selction of scala libraries, tools etc
scheme top
A few interesting things
scratchdb top
scratchdb — analytics database
seastar top
seastar — a C++ library for writing highly efficient complex server applications on modern multi-core machines
second-brain top
Note Taking — notes on note taking apps
security top
security — information security
Software Supply Chain Security
self-hosting top
Authelia — open-source authentication and authorization server providing two-factor authentication and single sign-on (SSO).
Self hosted webstats using goatcounter
Selfhosted — Hosting services that are personal/family/small-group sized
selfhosted top
PaaS — Platform as a Service, and related items
serverless top
Monday, May 29 2023
serverless — serverless platforms
shell top
sideproject top
slm top
Small LLMs aka SLMs — smoler the better
smol-llm top
Small LLMs aka SLMs — smoler the better
social-media top
Streams Place — a blogging platform built on a chat app
software top
2020, week 45 — I kick off weekly (b)logging with notes on pcengines, opnsense, saying goodbye to Flash etc.
A few interesting things
Meta list of book recommendations by people
Software supply chains — A software supply chain is anything that affects your software
Sustainable tech by The Rabbits
software-development top
Building LLM Based Systems
software-engineering top
Deployment — notes, references on deployment practices etc.,
Staff Engineer — career progression for Individual contributors (SWE)
software-supply-chain-security top
Software Supply Chain Security
solo-technologist top
2022, week 23 — Where I ruminate about wanting to be solo technologist on my own time.
spreadsheets top
sql top
Data Apps — TODO
evidence — framework for building data apps
LLMs in Data Management — Research and progress around using LLMs in managing data.
Query Languages — Data Query Languages
SQL — Notes on Structured Query Language
sqlite top
datasette — Datasette is a tool for exploring and publishing data, it uses sqlite for storing data
Duckdb — Duckdb is an in-process analytics database. Sqlite for analytics
Python and AI
Querying Amazon Purchase data — A fun little exercise in querying your amazon.com purchase data.
Quick query access to CSV data using sqlite virtual tables
Redbean — single-file distributable web server
Sqlite — notes on SQLite Embedded database technology
sqlite writable_schema pragma
sre top
SRE — Service Reliability Engineering
starrocks top
startup top
Business opportunities by liberating data, case study in restaurant Industry — There are still a lot of (software) business to be unlocked by digitizing paper records and connecting that to the rest of the world as this case study shows.
static-sitegen top
Serving Static Assets out of Cloudflare R2
Static Site Generators
statistics top
streaming-systems top
Streaming Systems — data streaming systems
String Theory top
stripe top
stripe — on the payment gateway
structured-logging top
Structured Logging — When you log something, make it searchable and analyzable.
sublime-text top
An illustrated guide to using Sublime Text 3 for D programming — We will see how to setup Sublime text 3 with syntax highlighting, automatic code formatting, auto-completion, on-the-fly syntax checking and build system integration (build, run, unittest).
superset top
superset — open-source data exploration and visualization platform.
svelte top
svelte — a non crazy javascript frontend framework?
swe-agent top
SWE Agent — sofware engineer agent enabled by LLM
swift top
Hello, Swift! — getting excited about Swift programming langauge?
swift — programming language from Apple that works on Linux, Windows also
Swift and Python side by side — How does Swift compare to Python compare in terms of programming experience?
system-design top
System design — reference
systems top
Garbage Collection
tea top
Monday, April 24 2023
technique top
Spaced Repetition
technology top
Bengaluru Tech — Notes about Bengaluru tech people, communities, companies, institutions etc
template top
A Template HTML to start writing
DeveloperIQ Articles
Directory Index
temple top
Climbing Chamundi Betta — She watches over the city
terminal top
alacritty — Cross-platfom OpenGL terminal emulator
kitty — The fast, feature-rich, GPU based terminal emulator
terraform top
testcontainers top
testcontainers —  an open source framework for providing throwaway, lightweight instances of databases, message brokers, web browsers, or just about anything that can run in a Docker container.
testing top
testing — you must
tex top
A Quick How-to on using LuaTeX with ConTeXt
text-editor top
Emacs Notes — notes on Emacs text editor
Obsidian — is a note taking application for knowledge management
meilesearch — Meilisearch is a flexible and powerful user-focused search engine that can be added to any website or application.
Text search engines — Text search engines allow you to index and search text documents
textpattern top
Import Textpattern to Jekyll — Obsolete. Here only to prevent link rot.
thindi top
Breakfast an hour away — My first visit the popular Rameshwaram cafe in another part of the city to meet an old friend
thinking top
Mental models — notes on mental models
thttpd top
CGI programming with THTTPD — THTTPD is a fast, light-weight web server.
Web applications on embedded hardware
tigerbeetle top
tigerbeetle — accounting software database written in Zig
tilt top
tilt — Kubernetes for local development environment
timetracking top
Activity Watch — an app that automatically tracks how you spend time on your devices.
tmux top
tmux — Terminal Multiplexer
tools top
38/Trip to Chennai, love in Sanskrit — Monday, 2024-02-26 to Sunday, 2024-03-03
http — Hyper Text Transfer Protcol
mdninja + markdown + jinja2 = beautiful HTML — Where I introduce a nifty script (mdninja) to convert your markdown into good looking HTML by using Jinja for templating/layout.
Mind Mapping — for visualization and ideation
Optimizing images using ImageMagick, pngcrush (and ChatGPT)
Org Mode — notes on the venerable markup format for emacs.
Software tools
training top
Python Training Outline (2006) — Outline of a python training I did in 2006
transformer-math top
Transformer Math — Mathematics required to do transformers ie., LLMS etc
travel top
38/Trip to Chennai, love in Sanskrit — Monday, 2024-02-26 to Sunday, 2024-03-03
traveling top
Traveling — one small page for me, one giant travel plan for thee
travelogue top
Around kukkarahaḷḷi kere — ಮೊಸಳೆಗಳಿವೆ ಎಚ್ಚರ!
Climbing Chamundi Betta — She watches over the city
Train to Mysuru — A trip to mysuru
twitter top
2022, week 44
35/Where I get off Twitter, now known as X
twitter — whale, whale, whale! if it isn't the fail whale.
typescript top
Deno — is a secure javascript and typescript runtime
typesetting top
A Quick How-to on using LuaTeX with ConTeXt
ConTeXt — typesetting system
groff — a unix-head's typesetting tool
LaTeX — most popular typesetting macros for TeX; created by Leslie Lamport
Nota — a document language for the browser
Phone Formatted Books — producing books formatted for small screens of phones
Postscript — Notes on Postscript language and tools
Typesetting — notes on typesetting tools etc
typography top
Programming Fonts — for ya know, programming
typst top
2023, week 12
unix top
alacritty — Cross-platfom OpenGL terminal emulator
bash scripting
kitty — The fast, feature-rich, GPU based terminal emulator
macOS — The apple flavoured operating system
tmux — Terminal Multiplexer
upstash top
useless top
Monday, May 29 2023
utility top
A Custom Server for Shottr — I wrote a PHP script to act as custom cloud server for receiving and storing screenshots from shottr
Thread Reaper
utm top
utm — virtual machines for mac
Wednesday, May 10 2023 — surprise redis finding; leo editor;
Vanity Search — what I found when I searched for myself
vector-databases top
lucene — open-source search software
vectordb top
Vector Databases — A vector database indexes and stores vector embeddings for fast retrieval and similarity search, with capabilities like CRUD operations, metadata filtering, and horizontal scaling.
vectordev top
vectordev — A lightweight, ultra-fast tool for building observability pipelines
vedanta top
vedanta — sources on vedanta
vercel top
Vercel — webhosting provider
video-transcript top
Video transcript - "Streaming ETL in Kafka for Everyone with KSQL" — interesting talk about KSQL
vietnam top
Viet Nam
vim top
virtualbox top
virtualization top
visualization top
Display Tables
evidence — framework for building data apps
mermaid — TODO
Mind Mapping — for visualization and ideation
plotting — plotting data
Processing — is a software sketchbook and a language for learning how to code. used to improve visual arts and visual literacy within technology.
superset — open-source data exploration and visualization platform.
VPN top
VPN — virtual private network
vscode top
vscode — an electron app masquerading as an IDE
wasm top
Wasm — web assembly and related technologies
web top
A touch of hyperscript — I use hyperscript to add interaction to a web page
Archiving websites — Where I discover the WARC format to archive websites.
Authelia — open-source authentication and authorization server providing two-factor authentication and single sign-on (SSO).
Cascading Style Sheets
Creating a (S)CGI app with D — We will use D programming language to build an old fashioned CGI program.
Emails for JAMStack hosted domains — How to forward an email to your jamstack hosted domain.
GETHAS — my framework can beat up your framework
Github Gists
htmx — Enhancing web applications without using SPA frameworks
hyperscript — Enhance HTML with concise DOM, event and async features.
Import Textpattern to Jekyll — Obsolete. Here only to prevent link rot.
Interesting Websites — a collection of interesting personal websites of individuals in the original web 1.0 sense.
links — my linktr.ee if you will
Making Websites — stuff related to building websites
mdninja + markdown + jinja2 = beautiful HTML — Where I introduce a nifty script (mdninja) to convert your markdown into good looking HTML by using Jinja for templating/layout.
Nota — a document language for the browser
Phone Formatted Books — producing books formatted for small screens of phones
Python Frontend Frameworks — write web frontends without javascript
RSS — feeds
serverless — serverless platforms
Smol Frameworks — small, yet powerful
Wasm — web assembly and related technologies
Web servers
webcomics — funny pictures
webdesign — inspiration for web design
web-framework top
biffweb — a clojure web framework
web-frameworks top
pywebframeworks — Python Web Frameworks
webhosting top
Flyio — webhosting
Render — webhosting
Vercel — webhosting provider
Webhosting — where to put your wepages online
webp top
36/Visiting the Bangalore Lit Fest — Monday, 2023-12-04 to Sunday, 2023-12-10
webserver top
Redbean — single-file distributable web server
website top
About This Website
Archive.org — a collection of books, and material from Archive.Org
My Websites
Optimizing images using ImageMagick, pngcrush (and ChatGPT)
webstats top
Self hosted webstats using goatcounter
weekly top
2020, week 45 — I kick off weekly (b)logging with notes on pcengines, opnsense, saying goodbye to Flash etc.
2020, week 47
2020, week 48
2021, week 17
2021, week 18
2021, week 20
2021, week 21
2021, week 22
2021, week 23
2021, week 24
2021, week 25
2021, week 52
2022, week 19
2022, week 20
2022, week 21
2022, week 22
2022, week 23 — Where I ruminate about wanting to be solo technologist on my own time.
2022, week 25
2022, week 40 — Aim for small-big things in programming
2022, week 41
2022, week 42
2022, week 43
2022, week 44
2022, week 45
2022, week 46
2022, week 49
2022, week 51
2023, week 03 — returned from India trip
2023, week 04
2023, week 05
2023, week 07 — Miami trip
2023, week 08
2023, week 09
2023, week 11
2023, week 12
2023, week 13
2023, week 14 — notes on mamba, denoflare, chromadb etc
2023, week 15 - bluesky
2023, week 16 — week in Cancun, Mexico
33/where I dust off the weekly
34/Sports Day Out
35/Where I get off Twitter, now known as X
36/Visiting the Bangalore Lit Fest — Monday, 2023-12-04 to Sunday, 2023-12-10
37/this section is left blank — Monday, 2023-12-11 to Sunday, 2023-12-17
38/Trip to Chennai, love in Sanskrit — Monday, 2024-02-26 to Sunday, 2024-03-03
39/Whither ChatGPT? — Monday, 2024-03-04 to Sunday, 2024-03-17
40/Devon aur Devika — Monday, 2024-03-18 to Sunday, 2024-03-24
41/2024, week 13 — Monday, 2024-03-25 to Sunday, 2024-03-31
42/A children's play — Monday, 2024-05-06 to Sunday, 2024-05-12
43/ಊರ ಹಬ್ಬ ಇತ್ಯಾದಿ — Monday, 2024-05-13 to Sunday, 2024-05-19
44/Travel to Mysuru — Monday, 2024-05-20 to Sunday, 2024-05-26
45/style updates to konakanirecipes — Monday, 2024-05-27 to Sunday, 2024-06-02
46/ some notes — Monday, 2024-06-03 to Sunday, 2024-06-09
wildlife top
Encounters in the Wild exhibition at CKP
window-manager top
Hammerspoon ShiftIt Window Manager
Window managers — stop using mouse to move the windows around
wolfram top
First Experience with Wolfram Engine
work top
Work — on work etc
workflow top
Workflow Automation — let the glue flow between work items .. or something
writing top
2022, week 25
Org Mode — notes on the venerable markup format for emacs.
ZettelKasten — a free form note taking and organising system to facilitate understanding and production of creative work.
xslt top
xtts top
Quick Deep Learning Python Development Environment with Poetry — Trying to find a smoother developer experience compared to virtualenvs
yakshaves top
yakshaves — TODO, an actual TODO.
zed top
zed —  high-performance, multiplayer code editor from the creators of Atom and Tree-sitter. It's also open source.
zettelkasten top
About Grammarians and Philosophers
Note Taking — notes on note taking apps
ZettelKasten — a free form note taking and organising system to facilitate understanding and production of creative work.
zig top
tigerbeetle — accounting software database written in Zig
Zig Programming Language