
analytics OLAP database.

Created: by Pradeep Gowda Updated: Dec 13, 2023 Tagged: databases

Home page – Fast Open-Source OLAP DBMS - ClickHouse

clickhouse-local is an easy-to-use version of ClickHouse that is ideal for developers who need to perform fast processing on local and remote files using SQL without having to install a full database server. With clickhouse-local, developers can use SQL commands (using the ClickHouse SQL dialect) directly from the command line, providing a simple and efficient way to access ClickHouse features without the need for a full ClickHouse installation. One of the main benefits of clickhouse-local is that it is already included when installing clickhouse-client. This means that developers can get started with clickhouse-local quickly, without the need for a complex installation process.

curl | sh will download a single clickhouse binary, which can be used as clickhouse-local:

./clickhouse local -q "SELECT * FROM file('reviews.tsv', 'TabSeparated')"
# to see the inferred schema
./clickhouse local -q "DESCRIBE file('reviews.tsv')"
# a query
./clickhouse local -q "SELECT
FROM file('reviews.tsv')"

This can also be used to query data in a parquet file on S3 storage:

./clickhouse local -q "
SELECT count()
FROM s3('')"

chDB - embedded SQL OLAP Engine powered by ClickHouse

The birth of chDB - auxten – “rocket engine on a bicycle”. github.

  • In-process SQL OLAP Engine, powered by ClickHouse
  • No need to install ClickHouse
  • Minimized data copy from C++ to Python with python memoryview
  • Input&Output support Parquet, CSV, JSON, Arrow, ORC and 60+more formats, samples
  • Support Python DB API 2.0, example
  • pip install chdb
query = "SELECT distinct city from 'employees.csv' "
res = chdb.query(query, "CSV")

See Trying chDB, an embeddable ClickHouse engine for more code examples.

TODO: What’s the comparison to duckdb and where would one shine over the other?


ClickHouse or StarRocks? Here is a DETAILED Comparison | by Tianyi Wang | Dec, 2021 | Medium (archive).