Self hosted webstats using goatcounter

Created: by Pradeep Gowda Updated: Nov 04, 2023 Tagged: self-hosting · webstats

I would like to understand how, and who is reading this website and its many pages; mostly to satisfy my own curiosity. But, I do not like to use Google Analytics or similar “free” services because I myself block trackers like that1. A self hosted webstats service keeps the stats on the same server2 as the page the visitor accessed in the first place3.

I have used goatcounter previously, but I used their hosted service. I stopped using them when I felt paying for webstats wasn’t something I cared for.

Recently I discovered that the source code behind the service is open-source -, and I thank Martin Tournoij for open sourcing it. I hope to support the project via github sponsorship sometime.

Goatcounter checks many boxes for the software I want to run myself:

  • easy installation (a single binary)
  • small memory footprint (written using golang)
  • uses sqlite for data storage
  • well documented online and in the console (with -h option)
  • easy discoverability of features.

So, I went ahead and installed it on my server and configured it to serve the tracker as well as dashboard from

I automated the installation using Ansible. I proxied the instance behind my existing nginx webserver. I had to rerun certbot4 to add new letsencrypt provided SSL certificates for the domain.

The actual command to run the server, as configured in the systemd file is as follows:

/usr/local/bin/goatcounter serve -automigrate -listen :5860 \
-tls none -db sqlite+/data/web/
  • The automigrate is a nice option that applies migrations on server start - I think this will come in handy when I upgrade the server version and expect the db migrations to be applied automatically
  • setting tls to none allows me to use the nginx SSL termination
  • the db flag points to the sqlite db location.

Tracking visits to each page is easy as adding the following line to the sitebuild script:

<script data-goatcounter=""
 async src="//"></script>

  1. I understand if you want to block youself :)↩︎

  2. It is so in this case and on this website.↩︎

  3. This is an attempt at understanding my website’s traffic while respecting visitor’s privacy.↩︎

  4. sudo certbot certonly --force-renew -d↩︎