Padyapaana channel on youtube contains tutorial series by Sri R Ganesh on samskRta chandas.
- – Sanskrit at the University of Chicago has lesons with video lectures with exercises, readings; survey of skt grammar, readings of sanskrit texts, annotated and categorized by grammatical features; meters; resources -textbooks, grammars and dictionaries. Via @suhasm.
- Vyoma labs
- Sanskrit Chanting –
The purpose of this free course is to help aspirants learn correct pronunciation of Sanskrit
The Sounds of Sanskrit
- sanskrit scholars [PDF]
- Professor Lokesh Chandra: India’s Great Scholar | Tsem Rinpoche
- Rambhadracharya - Wikipedia – sanskrit scholar, polyglot, visually impaired. “kathavachak”.
- Arthur Ryder. Famous works include - Translation of Bhagavad Gita.
- How Sanskrit Buddhist Texts Influenced Japanese Syllabic Alphabets | Madras Courier
- A Mathematical Analysis of Pa ̄n. ini’s S ́ivasu ̄ tras “InPa ̄n.ini’sgrammarofSanskritonefindstheS ́ivasu ̄tras,atablewhichdefinesthenatural classes of phonological segments in Sanskrit by intervals. We present a formal argument which shows that, using his representation method, Pa ̄n.ini’s way of ordering the phonological segments to represent the natural classes is optimal.”
Online Radio
- Sudharma (Online e-paper)
- The Mahābhārata – The critical edition of the mahabharata available as electronic text by the Bhandarkar Oriental Institute. I is a good resource for Sanksrit learners. The text is formatted like this:
01001000a नारायणं नमस्कृत्य नरं चैव नरोत्तमम् 01001000c देवीं सरस्वतीं चैव ततो जयमुदीरयेत् 01001001A लोमहर्षणपुत्र उग्रश्रवाः सूतः पौराणिको नैमिषारण्ये शौनकस्य कुलपतेर्द्वादशवार्षिके सत्रे 01001002a समासीनानभ्यगच्छद्ब्रह्मर्षीन्संशितव्रतान् 01001002c विनयावनतो भूत्वा कदाचित्सूतनन्दनः
which makes it easy to read short sentences slowly and progressively build speed. Also available in Roman and ASCII transliteration.
Poems From The Sanskrit : John Brough via this neat thread about John Brough by Srivatsa.
“Sunāma: Beautiful Sanskrit Names” by Nityānanda Miśra.
- Sanscript is an online transliterator. All modern Indian scripts are supported. Sanscript supports the full ITRANS standard for Sanskrit and Devanagari.
- Dharmamitra · translating the languages of the Dharma
Misc Collection
दशकूपसमा वापी दशवापीसमो ह्रदः।
दशह्रदसमः पुत्रो दशपुत्र समो द्रुमः ॥
Ten wells equal a pond.
Ten ponds equal a lake.
Ten lakes equal a child.
Ten children equal a tree.
Via @KS1729
जननी जन्मभूमिश्च स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी
Interesting and amazing creations in Sanskrit – on “adhamakavyas”, and “varnacitras”.