Linear Algebra
- Interactive Linear Algebra – Dan Margalit, Joseph Rabinoff, GATech.
- Linear Algebra Done Wrong
- Essence of linear algebra video lecture series on Youtube by 3Blue1Brown > If you’re interested in more great animations for a visual understanding of linear algebra, I can’t recommend 3Blue1Brown’s “Essence of Linear Algebra” series on Youtube highly enough.
- immersivemath: Immersive Linear Algebra.. see also r/Explorables
- The best linear algebra books
- Fundamentals of Linear Algebra and Optimization [pdf] | Hacker News [HN discussion]
- My Math Homework | (Re)learning math, one post at a time – worked out example from Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 3rd Edition: Gilbert Strang: 9780155510050: Books
- Immersive linear algebra “The world’s first linear algebra book with fully interactive figures.”.
- Lectures and Readings : Computer Graphics : 15-462/662 Fall 2018 has a good section on Linear Algebra.
- Seven sins of numerical linear algebra | Hacker News; 2022. Interesting links and resources
- Linear Doesn’t Mean Easy - by Ben Recht - arg min. “In addition to Boyd and Vandenberghe’s books, one of the most magical PDFs I received in graduate school was a set of notes on linear algebra assembled by Tom Minka in 2000 (thanks to Ali Rahimi for sharing these magic tricks). Tom put together a bunch of facts that he thought were useful for statistics.”
- Linear Algebra with Probability Oliver Knill for Harvard College Course Math 19b
- The best linear algebra books
- Linear Algebra Done Wrong by Sergei Treil
- Linear Algebra Done Right
Sheldon Axler
- Solutions to Linear Algebra Done Right
- Video lectures on linear algebra by Sheldon Axler
- Linear Algebra by Friedberg, Insel and Spence, and lecture notes by Terrance Tao (notes uses the third edition of the book)
- Linear Algebra Course Online | Udacity
- ECE133A - Applied Numerical Computing at UCLA. Textbook - Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra – Vectors, Matrices, and Least Squares
- Algebra, Topology, Differential Calculus, and Optimization Theory For Computer Science and Machine Learning ( PDF ) at UPenn. – New course: Computational Linear Algebra
- Linear Algebra - Math for Machine Learning - YouTube at “Weights and Biases” channel.
Action list
- work through my copy of A Programmer’s Introduction to Mathematics
- work through my copy of Coding The Matrix
- purchase Linear Algebra and Learning from Data: Gilbert Strang: 9780692196380: AmazonSmile: Books