This website is made using Hakyll and Pandoc. I have often tried to move away from Hakyll because I can’t “hack it” (haha). But, very few other static compilers can leverage the power of Pandoc like Hakyll does. So, I’m going to use this opportunity to learn Haskell through Hakyll like many have.
been so happy i moved my blog off platforms like WordPress tho. that has now allowed me (and sometimes forced me) to learn so much, not about programming per se (altho some – HTML, CSS, and Haskell) but all the other stuff: servers and ssh keys and Nixops and so many things.
— Monoid Mary (@argumatronic) ಜನವರಿ 30, 2018
Hakyll source code examples:
- TOC for Hakyll posts – good hakyll source code to study.
- Matt Wetmore’s blog – custom pandoc writers, list metadata etc.,
- Danny Su
- Haskell servent project
- Gwern – interwikilinks, imagemagick etc., (I agree with his take on bit-rotting software.)
- liamoc
- Adding table of contents
- Understanding Hakyll a series of blog posts on Hakyll and Haskell
- Run
a preprocessor in Hakyll to include the contents of another file via
use of
command (viaadityam
). - Including a file within a post by jaspervdj.
- Richard Goulter’s blog has lots of posts. See the source code.
- Blog
Rewrite with Hakyll and Purescript · in Code. interesting features,
“Series” along with “tags” and “Categories”. Also download LaTeX, and
as a feature on every page.