From Get Ahead Of 99% Of People With Deep Work & Monk Mode - YouTube:

Install a creative daily routine. You need three habits:

  1. To fill your mind,
  2. To empty your mind.
  3. To use your mind.

When you consume too much and create too little. You get anxious. When you create too much and consume too little, you get bored because you’ve run out of fuel to create with. So you repeat old patterns and lose the challenge of the craft you enjoy. This is what I call the fill empty use framework.

A big picture, sustainable routine that allows you to experiment with the details. Experiment with filling your mind in the afternoon with books, podcasts, and courses. Experiment with emptying your mind in the evening with journaling, planning, or meditation. Experiment with using your mind in the morning with writing deep work and building or front-load all of those habits first thing in the morning. Or pull out a piece of paper to start the creation of a system. Plan out those three habits over a week and start doing them. If something doesn’t flow, change it and try until it does.

You can’t get six years of work done in six months because you aren’t aware of a way to do that. You aren’t aware of a way to do that because you don’t have great ideas flowing through your mind. Your mind has three functions consume, connect, create , Idea flow.

If you don’t connect ideas or create with ideas, they sit in your head and weigh you down. You have to actualize an idea, to discover the one that can only be discovered once it’s actualized. The tracker couldn’t be conceived without the plow. Well, you may or may not understand is that you can’t generate a life changing idea if you haven’t already acted on the boring or shallow ideas that lead to that life changing idea.