48/Kotiwee park walk

Monday, 2024-08-19 to Sunday, 2024-08-25

Created: by Pradeep GowdaUpdated:Aug 20, 2024Tagged: weekly .

NOTE: switching to YYYY-WW format.

Went for morning walk on Saturday Aug 24, at Kotiwee Park in Hamilton County, IN and later a hike with family to Turkey Run State Park in Marshall County, IN.

Some images are in the gallery

If you are not reading Simon Willison’s Weblog, you are missing out on a practical, up-to-date source on all things llms and generative-ai; his datasette project is another continuous source of thinking about how much of data is out there, and having a consistent way of collecting and exposing it for machine, and analytical uses. I also see that he is using Observable HQ notebooks to share many of his experiments. This example is a good example of bringing in data from JSON APIs and manipulating it on the page to show a result.

zed does not format django/jinja2 templates well. So, I went looking for “jinja2 template formatter”, and found djlint - HTML Template Linter and Formatter, and the docs tell me that’s exactly what I need. Now the next task is to figure out how to run this on file save from within zed.

Used git rebase to modify the commit message with a typo using [this doc], a first.

export GIT_EDITOR=vim
git rebase -i HEAD~3
# change the commit line to start with reword
# on saving and quitting this list, a new commit message for each line with reword opens up. edit that file, save it
git push --force origin master

Pages modified from 2024-08-19 to 2024-08-26: Anthropic, Data Apps, Django, GPT, Generative Art, Objective-C, Prompt Engineering, SBERT, Taskfile.yml, about, adfree, archive, av-setup, bbedit, bigdata, changelog, chatgpt, clojure, css, database-systems, databases, deep-learning, dlang, downthemall, git, htmx, huggingface, improvement-kanarese, index, index2, iusethis, json, jupyter, just, kafka, kubernetes, leetcode, llm, log, markdown, mathematics, nim, nixos, nlp-huggingface, nlp, notebooks, observable, package-management, pandoc, pl, posts, privacy, processing, publishing, sam-parr-david-perell-2024, scala, serverless, sitebuild, sitemap.xml, static-sitegen, tags, template, text-search-engines, til, timeseries, transformers, websites, whatsnew, writing, xtts.