

Hindu Canon

In response to this thread by T.Greer on different civilizational canons, blog_supplement? had the following to say:

I admit his endeavor is very problematic: he says in the beginning of the thread 100 works of philosophy/literature. Do science/mathematics count in philosophy/literature? I think they cannot be separated. Of course he presents its from the viewpoint of his own self constructed “civilization” which is really an artificial and shaky construct. I would split it up into Judaeo-Christian and Islamic on the Abrahamistic side, Greco-Roman will be separate and Iranian will get its own with Firdausi going into that out of the “Islamicate” system he proposes. On the Hindu side, if we were to stick to philosophy of course I would insist on texts like pata~njali (pANini being difficult by itself); the vaisheShika-sUtra-s of kaNAda along with prashastapAda’s bhAShya, the 2 of which I think are among the greatest monuments of H thought The jyotir-mImAMsA of nIlakaNTha somayAjin and the mAnomeyodaya of nArAyaNa bhaTTa and nArAyaNa paNDita. tantrAloka of abhinavagupta and aghorashiva deshika’s commentaries. Of course if we were to add scientific works AryabhaTa would definitely figure alongside his bhAShya-s, the siddhAnta-shiromaNi of bhAskara-II; gaNitakaumudi of nArAyaNa paNDita; charaka, sushruta, kAshyapa saMhitA-s; Other works I would suggest are daNDin’s kAvyadarsha; kAvyamImAMsA of rAjashekhara; kShemendra’s kavikaNThAbharaNa; vAcaspati miShrA’s commentaries; bhojadeva’s samarA~NgaNa-sUtradhAra& shR^i~NgAra-prakAsha and rAjamArtANDa; tatplavoplava-siMha; Anandakanda; vidyAkAra’s subhAShita-ratna-kosha: this eclectic list can go on but I stop here.

Another reader – rkokane21?:

Within philosophy -

  1. Gangesha upadhyaya’s “tatva chintamani” Who established tradition of navya vyaya. Work of extreme erudition.

  2. Advaitin shri harshas “khandana khanda khadya” is probably most celebrated philosophical work with crazy fireworks of logic. This actually+