New Year Talk – 2019 – THE VEDIC APPROACH TO HAPPINESS – 01-01-2019 – Yogamalika. The speaker is Chennai-based Swami Paramarthananda from the Arsha Vidya Gurukulam tradition. This talk is a double feature, with a portion in English by Swami Paramarthananda and one in Tamil by Swami Omkarananda.
The Dharma Dispatch Reading List to Kickstart Your 2019 | The Dharma Dispatch
Via Arvind Iyer:
- Yaama
- Niyama
- early Buddhists stressed non-doing of wrongs before accumulation of virtue. The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories
- Home | A Concise Encyclopaedia of Hinduism by Ramakrishna Math, Bengaluru.
- Maha
Parivrajaka ebooks.
- see Vedanta Prabodha in English.